
E-mail: Sascha Neudeck

Photo of Sascha Neudeck at Moozak

About SubtleNoiseMaker

SubtleNoiseMaker was founded in oct. 2010 out of passion
and a wave of enthusiasm by Ing. Alexander Renner (aka Sascha Neudeck)
It is our aim to build unique, fascinating weird sounding sonic devices with high quality
electronic components and sturdy cases, stable enough for live-playing purpose.
We are happy about any response and tips for custom sonic device projects.
Your feedback and opinion about purchased SubtleNoiseMaker devices
is very important for a further development of the boxes.

From April 2013-2014 Laura Reinhart and David Kammann joined in and
helped me making the devices.
We do not produce any devices since 2014. In case I make further view subtlenoisemakers, you will be contacted per newsletter

Photo of Laura

Photo of David

Ing. Alexander Renner
Lorenz-Weiss-Gasse 5/10
1140 Vienna